영상개선기법(저조도 영상 색복원) under-exposed image enhancement
- 영상의 구조적으로 어두운 부분과 밝은부분을 개선한다. (색감을 유지해야 한다)
1. statistical information-based approach
-stretch the dynamic range using histograms
2.Retinex-based approach
image can be decomposed into illumination and reflectance
2번을 더 많이 사용하고 있다.
-Single-scale Retinex output(SSR)
-Multi-scale Retinex output(MSR)
---matrix 기반 optimazion을 진행한 기법들
Decomposition and enhancement
-Bright-pass filter based decomposition
1. Bright-pass filter baesed decomposition
2. Variational framework for Retinex
3. Compute L and R simultaneously
4. Preserver overall structure and smooth textural details simultaneously
5. Principal energy-based decomposition
6. Max pooling on the diffusion space
Deep neural network-based generation
-Concept of image translation
=Residual convolutional neural network with content, color, ...
1. Deep photo enhancer: GAN-based approach
2. Deep illumination estimation: 중간에 illumination을 한번 예측하자.
Technical review of image enhancement
-Retinex-based decomposition has been widely emploted
-Estimated illuminations are adjusted for visibility
-Deep learning-based schemes also have been studied
-Various VQMs can be employed for performance evaluation
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